Summer Activities for Kids at Home Skip to main content

Summer Activities for Kids at Home

Summer time is the best time of the year for any kid! Long summer vacation, no homework, plenty of time to play outdoors and lazy summer afternoons spent taking a nap. However, for parents its also a worrisome time ensuring they don’t stay away too much in the sun and fall ill. And its this contradicting thought process that can play a real spoilsport for kids.

So what’s the way out of this real tricky situation? Actually, most of the time kids get cranky only when they are bored and have nothing good to do. The best way to keep the child engaged – whether indoors or outdoors is to ensure they are never too bored for the activity they are engaged in!

Here are some simple options to keep kids engaged and happy in the summer months:

  • Plan to invite friends over and take turns to arrange activities for kids at different homes.
  • Do not repeat games & activities over and over again – children tend to get bored very quickly
  • Have rewards for the activities you plan, children love competitions
  • Take time off to spend time with kids, kids alone at home is the recipe for boredom and disaster
  • Have definite outdoor playing hours – and make it reward-based
  • Plan activities around food & treats
  • Encourage children towards literary activities as a break from physical activities as well

Children love variety and they love your involvement. So long as you’re spending time with them and doing a wide variety of things – indoors or outdoors, children are more likely to stay happy than grumpy!